
Showing posts from September, 2019

What Is a Serum and Should You Include It in Your Skincare Routine?

Everyone’s skincare routine is important to them and unique to their face and needs. Some people are extremely particular about the products that they include in their daily and nightly regimens. They only use an activated charcoal face wash that has tea tree oil in it, for instance, or they seek out products that contain organic, wild-crafted ingredients.  If you fall into this category, you probably do extensive research before adding a new product to your skincare routine. Thinking about including a serum into your morning/night regimen? Here’s some important info to know.  What Even Is a Serum? First things first, before we can get into the why , we have to cover the what, as in, what even are serums? Serums are skincare products that deliver key ingredients deep below the surface of your skin. Although some might include them in the moisturizer or face cream category, they’re not exactly the same. Serums focus on the layers beneath the surface of the skin